► Verordnung über Investitionshilfe für Berggebiete, 31 October 2005
This prescription transposes the federal law on financial support for mountainous areas (today repealed): procedure, budget, competent authorities, etc.
► Alpbüchlein, 12 February 1996
► Alpverordnung, 12 February 1996
This text regulates activities in the Alps : grazing, bike tracks, walking with dogs, etc. It completes the law on the Alps (see below).
► Fischereiverordnung, 28 October 1996
This prescription regulates fishing in canton Appenzell Innerrhoden. Article 12§4 provides that fishing in mountain lakes is only authorized from the shore. See also articles 14§2 and 14§5.
This law aims at protecting and conserving alpine territories, considered as life and leisure spaces for people, animals and plants, but safeguarding of an organised management.
This prescription transposes the federal law on financial support to mountainous areas (today repealed): requests, competent authorities, etc. It completes the law on the same subject (see below).
This law transposes the federal law on financial support to mountainous areas (today repealed).
► Verordnung über die Alpwirtschaft, 7 December 1999
This prescription regulates the management of the Alps (summer grazing areas) and the exercise of concession ("Vorpacht") and first refusal ("Vorkauf") rights.
► Kantonales Gesetz über Investitionshilfe für Berggebiete, 11 June 2009
This law transposes the federal law on financial support to mountainous areas (today repealed).
► Kantonale Verordnung über Investitionshilfe für Berggebiete, 16 April 2008
This prescription transposes the federal law on financial support to mountainous areas (today repealed). It completes the law of the canton on the same subject (see above).
► Dekret über die Verbesserung der Wohnhältnisse in Berggebieten, 10 November 1980
This decree transposes for the canton of Bern the federal law on accomadation in mountainous areas.
► Ordonnance fixant les conditions d'estivage, 3 April 2010
This prescription aims at setting conditions to summer grazing of animals herds in mountainous areas of Freiburg.
► Loi sur l'agriculture, 3 October 2006
Article 16§2 provides that loans can be granted under certain conditions to promote for instance building ou revation projets. Article 21 points out that the rate of such a loan can not normally exceed 50% of the global investment - a rate that can exceptionally be as high as 70% in mountainous areas.
► Règlement sur le tourisme, 21 February 2006
Article 86 of this prescription provides that networks of marked hiking trails can not constitute a ground for liability on the part of local authorities or private owners. Walkers use them at their own risk.
► Loi sur la chasse et la protection des mammifères, des oiseaux sauvages et de leurs biotopes, 14 November 1996
Article 33§1 of this law provides that important and regular damage caused by stags or chamois to mountain pastures are compensated.
► Loi d'application de la loi fédérale sur le droit foncier rural, 28 September 1993
Article 2§1 of this law on rural property law provides that municipalities have a preemption right on mountain pastures that are totally or largelly situated on their territory.
► Arrêté relatif à la conservation du patrimoine architectural alpestre, 10 April 1990
This order's goal is the conservation of alpine architectural heritage. The latter includes alpage facilities, alpine huts, barns, etc. Different measures have to be taken, like the inventory of chalets.
► Land- und Alpwirtschaftsverordnung, 5 October 2004
This prescrition regulates cantonal support to independent agricultural production and commercialization of agricultural products and the management of the Alps.
► Gesetz über Investitionshilfe für Berggebiete, 3 May 1998
This law transposes the federal law on financial support for mountainous areas (today repealed): procedure, conditions, competent authorities, etc.
► Verordnung zum kantonalen Jagdgesetz, 27 June 1990
Article 19§2 of this prescription provides that it is forbidden to store hunting weapons, ammunition and traps of any kind in the Alps and alpine huts outside the hunting season without a written authorisation from the cantonal authorities.
► Beschluss über Schongebiete für Murmeltiere, 25 June 1980
This decision aims at proctecting marmots by creating special protection areas for them. Moreover, killing marmots in these areas is punished with a fine or a prison sentence.
► Sömmerungsverordnung, 11 November 2008
This prescription regulates summer grazing of animals herds in mountainous areas of Graubünden: transport, quarantine, etc.
► Ausführungsbestimmungen zum Gesetz über das Berg- und Schneesportwesen, 7 September 2004
This regulation completes the 2000 law on the same subject (see below): qualification, authorisation, persons in charge, etc.
► Gesetz über das Berg- und Schneesportwesen, 26 November 2000
This law regulates the activity of mountain guides and snow sport instructors and provides measures to guarantee the security of guests.
This regulation completes the 1985 law on housing building in mountainous areas (see below).
► Vollziehungsverordnung zum Gesetz über den sozialen Wohnungsbau und die Verbesserung der Wohnverhätnisse im Berggebiet, 5 October 1985
This prescription completes the 1985 law on housing building in mountainous areas (see below).
This law supports the building of housing in mountainous areas, in particular for low-income families and people.
This text regulates the processing of requests for investment aid.
► Ordonnance concernant l'assurance-accident et la prévention des accidents dans l'agriculture, 6 December 1978
This prescription regulates accident insurances and aims at preventing accidents in agriculture. It's section 2 is dedicated to allowances to mountain farmers.
► Arrêté portant mise à disposition de moyens financiers en vue de mesures destinées à améliorer le logement dans les régions de montagne, 6 December 1978
This order regulates public support for the building of better accomodation in mountainous areas. For instance, it provides that the municipality has to pay for 25 to 50% of the total subvention.
► Circulaire aux communes qui, selon le cadastre fédéral de la production agricole, sont situées totalement ou partiellement dans la région de montagne, 6 December 1978
This circular addresses municipalities which are totally or partially situated in the mountainous region. It regulates among others subventions granted to building entrepreneurs (procedure, amount, etc.).
► Verordnung über die Verbesserung der Wohnverhältnisse in Berggebieten, 30 November 2007
This prescription regulated the measures to improve accomodation conditions in mountainous areas.
► Verordnung über den Gebirgshilgefonds für Strukturverbesserungen, 22 October 2002
This precription regulates the fund for structural improvement in moutainous areas created by the canton of Luzern which aims at improving life and work conditions and avoiding if possible furthur indebtedness in mountain agriculture.
► Loi d'introduction de la loi fédérale sur l'aide aux investissements dans les régions de montagne, 1 February 1999
This law regulates the allocation of investments aid in mountainous areas : projects and programs which can benefit from the aid, competent authority, procedure, etc.
► Règlement d'exécution sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture, 19 January 2000
Article 54 of this prescription provides that a subvention is granted for the building, extension and sanitation works of farmers' accomodation in mountainous areas.
► Loi d'introduction de la loi fédérale sur le bail à ferme agricole, 14 October 1986
This law establishes among other things a "préaffermage" (farming) right on mountain pastures in favor of farmers of mountainous areas.
► Loi d'introduction de la loi fédérale sur le droit rural foncier, 4 October 1993
Article 9§1 of this law provides that a preemption right is established on mountain pastures, on the condition that the surface areas is not lower than 10 ha.
► Arrêté relatif à la compétence en matière d'octroi des aides aux investissements dans les régions de montagne, 5 July 1999
This order provides that the "Département de l'économie" is competent to grant investments aid in mountainous areas and set the amount of this aid.
► Einführungsgesetz zum Bundesgesetz über die Landschaft sowie zum bäuerliche Boden- und Pachtrecht, 25 January 2008
Article 12 of this law provides that the canton supports an especially ecofriendly and sustainable management of the Alps through consultation and structural improvement measures.
► Richtlinien über die Festlegung der Finanzhilfen zur Verbesserung der Wohnverhältnisse in Berggebieten, 26 June 2002
This guideline establishes financial aids to improve accommodation conditions in mountainous areas and sets its amount.
► Vollzugsverordnung zur Bundesgesetzgebung über Investitionshilfe für Berggebiete, 16 June 1998
This prescription regulates the investment aid for mountainous areas: competence, procedure, monitoring, etc.
► Verordnung über Investitutionshilfen in der Landwirtschaft, 24 August 2004
This prescription regulates investment aid in agriculture in general, but also aid to improve accomodation conditions in mountainous areas.
► Verordnung über Investitionshilfe für Berggebiete, 24 November 1998
This prescription regulates the investment aid for mountainous areas: programme, procedure, monitoring, etc.
► Verordnung über den Pflanzenschutz, 20 October 1961
The ordinance lays down provisions relating to plant protection. In particular, article 2 lists protected plant species. Article 10 rules that the Cantonal Nature Protection Commission must be informed of all improvements in Alpine areas.
► Gesetz über die Verbesserung der Wohnverhältnisse in Berggebieten, 13 May 1981.
This law aims at improving accommodation conditions in mountainous areas.
► Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz über die Verbesserung der Wohnverhältnisse in Berggebieten, 19 May 1981
This prescription aims at improving accommodation conditions in mountainous areas.
► Legge sull' agricoltura, 3 December 2002
Article 7§2 provides that, in order to guarantee a sufficent density of settlement in mountainous areas, investment aid can be granted. Moreover, article 12§3 provides that exceptionally measures can be taken to support mountain products.
► Regolamento sul servizio medico nelle zone di montagna, 26 January 1999
This prescrition regulates medical services in mountainous areas: obligations, allowances, etc. It completes the 1997 law on the same subject (see below).
► Legge sul servizio medico nelle zone di montagna, 5 November 1997
This law regulates medical services in mountainous areas: invoice, cantonal social spending, etc.
► Regolamento del decreto legislativo concernente il miglioramento delle condizioni di abitazione nelle regioni di montagna del 25/03/72, 17 June 1992
This prescription aims at improving accommodation conditions in mountainous areas. It completes the 1972 law on the same subject (see below).
► Legge concernente il miglioramento delle condizioni di abitazioni nelle regioni di montagna, 29 March 1972
This law aims at improving accommodation conditions in mountainous areas: amount of the subsidies, conditions, competence, etc.
► Reglement über die Verbesserung der Wohnverhältnisse in Berggebieten, 11 December 2007
This regulation describes the measures taken to improve accomodation conditions in mountainous areas: amount of the subsidies, monitoring, procedure, etc. It completes the 2007 prescription on the same subject (see below).
► Verordnung über die Verbesserung der Wohnverhältnisse in Berggebieten, 24 September 2007
This prescription aims at improving accommodation conditions in mountainous areas.
► Vorschriften über die Erziehung und Förderung der Volksschüler, 9 June 1976
Article 13 regulates the use of mountain walking trails and the organisation of ski tours for pupils of "Volksschulen" (primary schools).
► Règlement sur la promotion de l'économie agricole, 15 December 2010
This regulation aims at promoting agricultural economy. Its Chapter IV deals with mountain agriculture: management of mountain pastures ("estivage"), subsidies, etc. Il completes the 2010 law.
► Loi sur l'agriculture vaudoise, 7 September 2010
Article 33 of this law on agriculture provides that the Department for Agriculture can grant individual subsidies to mountain farmers. Moreover, article 34 regulates the management of mountain pastures ("estivage").
► Loi sur la politique régionale, 12 December 2008
Article 10 provides that the "Conseil d'Etat" determines zones of mountainous areas with specific issues and sets up a development strategy for them. Articles 19 regulates building, renovation and acquisition of accomodation in mountainous areas.