Codified legislation
- Mountain huts
► "Code du tourisme", Article L326-1
This short article describes briefly what a mountain hut is.
- Mountain forests
► "Code forestier", Article L142-1 to L142-9
These articles regulate the conditions under which a land has to be reserved for natural regeneration (“mise en défens”) in mountainous areas. They also provides that measures have to be taken to restore and reafforest mountainous lands when necessary.
- Mountain agriculture
► "Code rural et de la pêche maritime", Article L113-1
This article recognises mountain agriculture as an activity of general interest. It provides that this type of agriculture has to be promoted and supported and considers its natural specificities.
► "Code rural et de la pêche maritime", Article R671-3
This article provides that the fact to put a product on the market with the name "mountain" on it without having been given first an administrative authorization is a 3rd classe infraction (out of 5).
► "Code rural et de la pêche maritime", Articles R641-32 to L641-44
These articles from the regulation part give further details on the authorization and the products from mountainous areas.
► "Code rural et de la pêche maritime", Articles L641-14 to L641-18
These articles provide for instance what products can be granted the authorization and which are exempted from asking it.
► "Code de l'urbanisme", Articles L472-1 to L472-5
This chapter regulates the construction of ski lifts and explains what authority is competent to give the authorization and what procedure has to be followed by the builders.
► "Code du tourisme", Articles D342-2 to R342-29
This section regulates the use of moving walkways and ski lifts in mountainous areas (construction, security, monitoring, etc.).
► "Code de l'environnement", Article L362-3
This article bans the use of snowmobiles for leisure purposes, except on special sites which are dedicated this activity.
- Ski areas
► "Code de l'urbanisme", Articles L473-1 to L473-3
These articles regulate the spatial planning of ski areas.
- Spatial planning
► "Code de l'urbanisme", Articles L145-1 to L145-13
This chapter contains special disposals on mountains. They regulate spatial planning and protection in mountainous areas as well as "unités touristiques nouvelles" (touristic development operations in mountainous areas).